D14 – Arizona Legislative District 14, familiarly known as D14
. . . . . . . ➤ Please see the D14 Calendar at the bottom of this page.
ADP – Arizona Democratic Party
MCDP – Maricopa County Democratic Party
Coming up . . .
A short summary of key dates (details below when available)
Watch for updates on ⚑⚑ D14 special events.
▶▶ D14 Community Meeting | ◼◼ Other Democratic Party Event
✪ Legislative District 14
▶ District 14 Community Meeting: Third Mondays (most)
Third Monday of the month (Decembers may not occur)
Meetings start at 7:00 PM.
PCs meet at 6:30 PM.
See the announcement on the home page for registration.
General Agenda:
1. Welcome
2. Chair’s Report; announcements
3. Featured Speakers
▶ ▶ ▶ AZ Dems East Mesa and Gilbert Ice Cream Social
Saturday, August 3, Noon – 2 PM | LINK
Val Vista Lakes Clubhouse, 1600 E Lakeside Dr, Gilbert
▶ ▶ ▶ Arizona Weekly Virtual Phonebank!:
▶ ▶ ▶ Knock Doors in LD14:
✪ Maricopa County Democrats
✪ Arizona Democratic Party
State Committee Meeting, Saturday, TBA, 2023
For State Committeepersons.
ADP State Committee website. (ADP website)
Future State Committee Meetings (webpage)
◾ Other: events page
◾ ADP Environmental Council (Facebook)
◾ ADP website
✪ Calendars
Elections: SOS, County Recorder, MCDP, ADP, Town of Gilbert, QC, AZ Clean Elections, SRP, etc.
Below our calendar, see other calendars that include dates for town council and school board meetings, and recognition, awareness, and historical events. Other events: AZ Roots